I pray to MahaKaLi who is three eyed, ten faced and holds a scimitar, disk, mace, arrows, bow, lance, club, a skull and a conch shell in her ten hands, whose body is covered with ornaments whose countenance is that of blue diamonds, and to whom Brahma prayed for protection from the demons Madhu and Kaitava, when Vishnu was in Yoga Nidra.
I pray to MahaLakshmi who killed demon Mahishasura, who is seated on lotus holding in her eighteen hands a rosary, garland, axe, mace, thunder-bolt, a lotus, bow, water-pot, baton, sword, shield, conch-shell, bell, chalice, lance, noose and sudarshan disk and having smiling countenence.
I pray to immensely beautiful MahaSaraswati whose face is as radiant as the full moon in a cloudless sky, who appeared from the body of Gouri and contains the three worlds, who holds bell, lance, plough, conch shell, club, disk, bow and arrows in her eight hands and destroys Shumba and other demons.
May the ever victorious Siddhidayini Durga, who is always worshipped by the hordes of siddha, gandharva, yaksha, asura, and deva, bestow success at my every venture.
May the Mahagauri Durga who rides a white rishabha bull and who wears spotless white clothes and remains ever pure and also provides ever lasting bliss to Mahadeva Shiva bestow all auspiciousness.
कराल रूपा कालाब्जा समानाकृति विग्रहा।
कालरात्रि शुभं दधद् देवी चण्डाट्टहासिनी॥
जिनका रूप विकराल है, जिनकी आकृति और विग्रह कमल सदृश्य है तथा जो भयानक अट्टहास करनेवाली हैं, वे कालरात्रि देवी दुर्गा मंगल प्रदान करें.
May the Durga devi Kaalraatri, who is huge, who looks like a black lotus, who is uniformly shaped and whose laugh is frightening, be propitious on me.
May the ever watchful Durga Devi Katyayani, who holds shining Chandrahasa (Sword) in her hand and rides a magnificent tiger and destroys the demons, bestow welfare on me.
सिंहासनगता नित्यं पद्माश्रितंकरद्वया |
शुभदास्तु सदा देवी स्कन्दमाता यशस्विनी ||
May the renowned Durga Devi Skandamata who is eternally seated on a throne and whose hands are adorned with lotuses, be ever propitious to me.
सुरासम्पूर्णकलशं रुधिराप्लुतमेव च |
दधाना हस्तपद्माभ्यां कूष्माण्डा शुबदास्तु मे ||
May Kushmanda Durga who holds two pitchers full of blood in her lotus hands and the universe is created, sustained and drawn within herself in a wink be propitious for me.